Written by Muhammad Nur Hafizi Bin No Sallehuddin IPN2129101053

Good morning friends, today want to tell you about my learning experience at KPTM Ipoh. Because Malaysia is facing a pandemic, every learning must be done online using Google Meet or Zoom Meetings. So, all my study time during semester 1 was online.

 Although I was a little sad because I couldn't meet my friends and lecturers, I was still happy because I could communicate like a normal friend with them. There are many experiences that I remember during my study. in my college. However, I will recount an experience that I will never forget. At the end of semester 1, my lecturer gave me a final project where I had to create an animated advertisement about a product within 4 weeks. At first, I was very confused about how I should complete the final project, but then I tried to force myself to complete it. Despite feeling tired, and not sleeping at night for a few days, I was still able to complete the task in the allotted time. My Final Project needs to be presented in front of my lecturer online on Google Meet. On the day of the presentation, I was terrified of the lecturer's reaction when I saw the result of my animation. Although my animation has so many shortcomings, but I am still satisfied with the result. Luckily, my lecturer gave words of praise because the lecturer was very impressed with my animation movement and said I have the talent to be an animator. The reply made me feel very happy to convey that I lost my tired feeling while presenting the final results of my project. After being tired, I had to sacrifice a lot of time, finally, God rewarded me with something that is very big for me. The words of praise from the lecturer are not I will forget even those words I will use as a fuel for my spirit. There are various experiences that I will not forget but I want to focus on this experience for the readers out there. Thank you so much.


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