Favorite Person

My Favorite Person.

  written by : MUHAMAD NABIL NAZHAN BIN MOHD ROHIZAD - DIA0201 (IPN212910166)

My father and my mom posing for hari raya picture.

Hello everybody, today I’m going to talk about my favorite person that I'm look up to and always give me motivation to not giving up. The person I want to talk about is my father, the man who always push me to become better person. Maybe we not talk to each other often but he always knows the specific time to knocked the door when I was on my lowest time.  

He maybe a little bit straight but I know it's for my goodness. I remember when I didn’t have a laptop to study, and I told him that I want to do a part time job to buy a laptop to myself. He said to me “just focus on your study and leave it that part to me”. As a son, its feel terrible to do that because I can just work as part timer maybe to help him a little bit. But he refused it to let me focus on my study.  

At that time, he makes me look up to him higher. He works hard for me to let me be comfort for my study. He always mads on me because I always delay my work and not pray on time. He very good father. Sometimes we watched soccer match together and what funny is? After the match we analys the match like a professional soccer player. Sometimes we fought about it because we not in the same page. It's funny for us and we never take it too seriously, for me it's good for us to bonding sometimes. 

My father always supports me when I was playing soccer at high school, he sometimes be my second coach. Even though, he a busy person but he always shows up when I have an important game. He always gives me motivation to me when I think I can't handle the pressure from the match.

Maybe he not a perfect father, but what he has done to me is enough. And that is my favorite person.  

picture of our family on Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2022


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