MEMORABLE MOMENT AT KPTM IPOH written by: AHMAD DANIEL QAYYUM BIN SARIPOTDDIN (IPN212910156) Hi, I would like to share my memorable moment during an online class. As a student during the academic session, I have had a great time participating in online learning. Regarding what we are going through and how challenging it might be, I believe that our teachers have shown a lot of compassion and have been very helpful. Because everything is organized through Google Classroom, It also relieves some of the tension that I was under before because I loathed the feeling of being disorganized. What is not working for me is my unmanaged time management, and it can be a little frustrating as teachers assign work that is fairly close to the due date of other class projects. What is working for me is that sometimes my time management is spot on. It would be more convenient for me if the due dates for the tasks were dispersed throughout the week. There are instances when there are issues ...